Your Farmers
Caroline Arrott
Blue Sage Ranch in Big Horn, WY raises lamb and beef in a natural environment with low-stress handling and minimal human intervention to provide a product that is wholesome and grown for naturally superior genetics as nature has selected. Through multi-species grazing and careful pasture management we are able to raise healthy, productive chickens, sheep, and cattle without use of additives, supplemental feeds or industrial chemicals. Local produce and supporting local merchants and ranchers is a win- win situation. It supports local industry and grows the local economy as well as limiting the cost of shipping, excess fuel consumption and many other costs to the environment and therefore our quality of life overall.
Lambs and calves are born in the spring on pasture along with the natural cycle of mother nature and all other wild herbivores to limit predation and parasites and maximize a grass-finished product for late Fall.
Beef is available in Fall for $5/pound and Polled Hereford Bulls are available to improve well mannered, high-efficiency, calving ease to your herd. These bulls do their job easily.
Lamb is available in February for $8/pound and full-blood black head Dorper rams are available in Fall with request by June.
Caroline Arrott
66 Kruse Creek (PO Box 273), Big Horn, WY 82833
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