Your Farmers
Rob & Tami Palmer
Bar P Ranch grass-finished beef is located 30 minutes south of Calgary at Nanton, Alberta. It is our family’s passion to raise beef for your table that promotes your health, intelligence and longevity without losing sight of tenderness and a tasty product. Our beef isn't certified organic, it is "beyond organic"! We promise you that our beef is free from hormones and antibiotics. These animals have never had grain or any animal by-products. The pasture these cattle graze on and the hay they eat has not had any chemical fertilizer applied. With our grass-fed and finished beef we strive for you to have the best eating experience.
Beef is harvested in the fall between the ages of 24-29 months of age after a spring, summer and fall of grazing on top quality grasses and legumes. They are processed at a local abattoir that is federally inspected. The beeves are dry-aged for a minimum of 21 days to ensure a tender, quality product.
The beef is available in quarters, halves or as a whole beef and is sold by the pound, hanging weight. Each half can be individually cut and customized to our customers’ wants and needs. You can order a whole, a half or a quarter and split it with friends or family. To order, contact us either via phone or email.
Rob & Tami Palmer
Nanton, AB
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