Your Farmers
Courtland Rocco
BlueLoon Farm offers certified organic pastured, eggs, lamb and jersey cow herd shares.
BlueLoon Farm is a 46-acre, certified organic diversified farm located in West Salem, Ohio in the Northwest corner of Wayne County. Since converting to a micro dairy, BlueLoon Farm has limited quantities of lamb and no beef available until fall of 2018.
Our focus is on total farm health: soil, water, animal, vegetable, fruit, and wildlife habitat. A healthy farm will produce healthy quality products. Diversity and Preservation guide us in our livestock breeds selections as well as our vegetable and fruit crops.
BlueLoon now offers certified organic cow herd shares. The girls graze on pastures during the season and at times are supplemented with hay. During the winter, their diet consists of 100% high quality organic hay. The milk is outstanding year round—great for making butter, yogurt, cheese and any other cow-based dairy product.
All our products are available here at the farm. We do make a weekly delivery to downtown Cleveland, so should you want to arrange a meet to have your order delivered, we can do so, just contact us.
Visit our webpage to learn more and get involved with your food!
Courtland Rocco
13085 North Elyria, West Salem OH 44287
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