Your Farmers
Anita and Brian Poeppel
Broad Branch Farm is run by Anita and Brian Poeppel with help from our three young daughters, Lucy, Susannah, and Laura. We are a small diversified family farm trying to grow the best, cleanest food possible, for ourselves and for you. We are not a Certified Organic farm, but all purchased inputs are Certified Organic, and we never use antibiotics, growth hormones, herbicides, pesticides, or artificial fertilizers.
We raise grass finished beef, pastured chickens and eggs, vegetables, and pastured pork. Cattle spend their whole lives outside except for extreme weather events eating green growing pasture, stockpiled dormant pasture, or Certified Organic hay, depending on the season. We use management intensive grazing to ensure the highest quality pasture, and also for the health and sustainability of the land. The cattle are grown to about 26 months to ensure fully finished, juicy, flavorful meat.
Laying and broiler chickens are raised on the farm from 2 day old chicks in our brooder house, and begin grazing once they can tolerate the weather. Every chicken enjoys fresh pasture in a rotational grazing system. All purchased chicken feed is Certified Organic. Our pastured eggs and broilers are exceptional in flavor and nutrition.
We offer our beef, chickens, pork, eggs and vegetables through our CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) program. This is a subscription which customers sign up for and receive weekly, bi-weekly or monthly deliveries. Visit our website for details.
Anita and Brian Poeppel
RR 1 Box 44, Wyoming IL 61491
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