Your Farmers
Richard and Tina Boutall
Brookhill Farm LLC, conveniently located just minutes from the Kentucky Speedway at Sparta on the I71 is a 130-acre sustainable grass farm and home to Free Range Chickens, a Grass Fed Beef herd, a small flock of Grass Fed Sheep, Pastured Broiler Hens and Turkeys and Forest Ranged Pork. We also have vegetables and fruits from our large garden for sale.
Our mission is to grow soil by using synergistically integrated methods of moving animals across the pastures to feed them and feed the soil at the same time. We raise all our animals as naturally and humanely as possible. Our chickens are either completely free range or moved to fresh grass each day. Our cows and sheep only eat grass and are moved to fresh pasture every day. Our pigs live in the woods and thrive on a diet of acorns, nuts, roots and tubers as well as a GMO free grain ration. All our animals are antibiotic- and hormone-free and raised on pesticide- and chemical-free pastures. Our vegetables are grown in the same sustainable and organic manner.
Our farm is open to public inspection, in fact we welcome it. We believe that one of the greatest joys of farming comes from meeting and talking to our customers. Guided tours will be available occasionally through the year. Keep an eye on our website or sign up for our newsletter for the latest up to date information and product availability. Feel free to call our number to ask questions or place an order.
Richard and Tina Boutall
4858 HWY 184, Ghent KY 41045
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