Your Farmers
Mary Smith
Brown Sugar Jerseys is located in northwestern St. Clair County, 2 miles south of Yale, Michigan. We are a family-owned and operated farm consisting of 430 acres of tillable pasture and woodlots. We have approximately 70 acres of permanent pastureland and rotate our cropland with clover seedings which we bale as high-moisture hay (preserved pasture) for feed for the winter months, and also graze those clover fields. We raise about 20 calves a year and have about 20 grass fed steers to offer annually.
We have been dedicated to raising polled grazing jerseys since 1983. From birth through 6 months of age our calves are fed 1/2 pound per head per day of non-GMO corn. After 6 months of age, they eat only fresh pasture in the growing season, and high-moisture clover hay in the non-green season and free choice minerals always, absolutely no grain. The meat, fat, and marbling of jerseys that eat clover pasture or high-moisture clover hay has a special sweet flavor. The fat is yellow because of the high beta carotene. Our steers are fully 2 years old before slaughter for full flavor. Jersey and Clover, the winning combination!
Our jerseys are humanely raised and handled; there are no hormones, antibiotics, or medicated feed in their diet. Housing and nutrition are age- and weather-appropriate, with the emphasis on grazing, working with Michigan's climate and growing seasons. Our animals' health and comfort are always top priority.
We sell by the 1/4, 1/2, or whole cow. Please call for pricing and availability to reserve your beef today. Pickup only, we do not ship.
Mary Smith
11542 WIlkes Road, Yale MI 48097
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