Your Farmers
Annemieke Roell
Cedar Crest Farms is a small farm marketing organization representing several small tract farms west of Tulsa. Our members produce range fed Dexter beef, goat, pork, chicken, geese, ducks, and rabbits and sell directly to the consumer. Beef is sold by the quarter side, full side, and whole carcass. Goat and pork is sold by the whole or half. Poultry by the whole and eggs by the dozen.
We use no antibiotics or animal byproducts on our meat animals. We don't inject steroids or other growth-promoting hormones. All animals are raised on natural grasses and clover. During drought some supplemental feeds are provided however none of the feeds are medicated or contain animal by-products.
Due to the rapid selling out of meat and the limited availability, we are pre-selling pork and beef. We are taking orders now for winter and spring delivery. Chicken, geese and ducks are available throughout the spring and summer, Turkeys are available in the fall, and eggs are available all year.
Annemieke Roell
Rt 1, Box 642, Terlton OK 74081
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