Your Farmers
Cameron and Brittany Kent
Cloverleaf Farm is a small family farm established in 2007 and located near Neosho, MO on Nighthawk Road. We grow pasture raised chickens and Irish Dexter beef cattle.
Our chicken is raised in the "Salatin" way with moveable pens that are moved daily to fresh pasture. The chickens love to be moved and eat lots of greens that supplement their grain diet. We have about 30 laying hens and eggs will be available soon - check back this summer for updates.
We are also breeding Irish Dexter cattle - grass fed on unadulterated pasture. We sell beeves for meat as well as breeding stock. We have one bull calf available for slaughter or purchase - call for details.
Fresh raw mIlk will be available this fall after calving.
You will also be able to find our fresh produce in season at the Neosho Farmers Market - or call and stop by the farm and see how we grow the chickens. Limited numbers left for sale on broilers; slaughtering mid May.
Cameron and Brittany Kent
8833 Nighthawk Road, Neosho MO 64850
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