Your Farmers
Nancy Coonridge
Coonridge Organic Goat Cheese is a small family run dairy in the "wilds of New Mexico." We free range our goatson hardy high desert browse plants. We have been Certified Organic by the New Mexico Organic Commodities Commission since 1998. We are producer/processor #133.
In 2006 we became GRAIN FREE! University testing verifies our goat cheeses have more than 3 times as much CLA as other tested goat cheeses. Our cheese is naturally preserved in organic oils with spices and is available retail in New Mexico. We also mail order.
Look for us at New Mexico's Wine shows, Memorial, 4th of July and Labor Day Weekends. We also sample and sell at Craft Shows throughout the Southwest.
Nancy Coonridge
47 Coonridge Dairy, Pie Town NM 87827.
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