Your Farmers
Greg or Janie Dennis
Dennis Farms is located in east central Alabama 7 miles from the Georgia state line. We grow lush, nutritious grass in our pastures using management intensive grazing principles to insure our animals are eating the grass at its best while improving our soils. We raise Red Angus cattle, Katahdin hair sheep and Tamworth heritage pigs to harvest our grass. At the appropriate stage of maturity, we harvest our animals to produce nutritious and delicious grass-fed beef, grass-fed lamb and pastured pork.
We raise our cows, sheep and pigs in a natural pastoral environment never giving growth-promoting antibiotics, hormones, or steroids. We believe that contented animals produce a superior product, so we strive for a low stress environment emphasizing the humane treatment of our livestock. We follow a strict grass-fed protocol with our cows and sheep, never feeding grain, animal byproducts or feed supplements.
Our pigs graze in the pasture along with the cows and sheep so that forage makes up a substantial part of their diet. In addition to the forage, the pigs get a daily serving of whey and a small measured grain ration put out by hand. With the emphasis on forage and whey, the pork we produce is tastier, leaner and healthier than pork from pigs raised on a heavy grain diet. We do not have farrowing huts or crates.
Please take some time and explore our web site to better know us and our farm. You can also follow us on Facebook. We are proud of the effort we make to provide our customers a quality product that tastes good and is good for them.
Dennis Farms' grass-fed beef is currently offered as our whole cow “Primeburger.” We take the meat from the entire cow (never cheating and pulling out the best cuts) and thoroughly mix it together before grinding to create a ground beef product with a taste and texture that’s like eating steak in a patty. "Primeburger" comes in approximately 1-pound packs.
Our Tamworth whole hog sausage also consists of the meat from the entire hog and is completely mixed prior to grinding. We also offer a variety of cuts and unseasoned ground pork. As supply permits, we have roasting pigs, sides and whole hogs available as well.
Our grass-fed lamb is available in the late fall of the year and is generally sold as a whole lamb. Our lamb has the lighter, more delicate taste that comes from hair sheep. All of our animals are humanely processed in a USDA inspected facility.
Greg or Janie Dennis
1582 County Road 852, Ranburne AL 36273
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