Ezra C. Miller grows high quality food for his family and also for a select few on his farm in the heart of Amish country. Within easy driving distance of Columbia, MO orders can be picked up at the farm.
Poultry fryers raised on healthy mixed forage pasture with natural grain supplements are housed in movable pens and relocated daily to fresh forage. Fryer orders need to be in by April 1st and August 1st and will be ready 8-10 weeks later.
Fresh eggs are available, laid by happy hens that forage in the fields and are given home grown natural grain. They produce beautiful, healthy, tasty eggs.
Lambs and young goats are raise entirely on grass with no grain in their diets.
A few pigs are available each year, raised in large lots where they root, forage, and wallow as nature intended. They are fed a mixed natural diet including home grown corn.
Butter is available from grassfed Holstein and Jersey cows
Eggs, butter, whole dressed lamb, goat, pork, and fryers can be picked up at the farm. Packaged pork, goat, and lamb can be picked up at the meat locker. A $50 deposit is required on all lamb, goat, and pork and $2 for each fryer ordered.
778 ACR 140, Clark MO 65243
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