Your Farmers
Jennifer Small & Michael Yezzi
Flying Pigs Farm offers pork chops, tenderloin, roasts, bacon, ham and Sun-Dried Tomato and Chardonnay Sausage. Our pork is much more moist and flavorful than supermarket meat. It's different because we raise heritage breeds of pigs the old-fashioned way.
The pigs are raised outdoors in the fresh air and sunshine, with plenty of room to roam on our fields and in our woods. Because they have so much space and because we move them often, the land stays clean and the pigs stay healthy. The pigs snack on grass, weeds, and roots that grow on our land, and they also eat dried, ground grains.
Our pigs are "Large Blacks," Glouestershire Old Spots," and "Tamworths," old-fashioned breeds in danger of extinction. It may seem odd to use these breeds for pork because they are so rare, but they will not survive unless a market for these animals can be created. Breeders can then afford to expand their herds and expand the population.
We ship across the country. Look for us in the spring and fall at the Grand Army Plaza and Tribeca Greenmarkets in New York City. Visitors are welcome to pitch in at our fledgling farm on the Battenkill—but please call first!
Jennifer Small & Michael Yezzi
246 Sutherland Road, Shushan NY 12873-1805
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