Your Farmers
Allan Balliett
Fresh and Local CSA is a family farm located in Shepherdstown, West Virginia. We are located a few miles from Antietam Battlefield, from Harpers Ferry, West Virginia and from the Potomac River. We raise all natural grass fed beef, humanely raised rose veal (milk and meadow beef) and spring lamb (pregnant and lactating ewes do receive a portion of grain, but not the lambs themselves). We raise heritage hogs on pasture with supplementation with local grains and biodynamic produce. We sell pastured eggs from heritage breeds. We are also a biodynamic vegetable CSA.
We use registered Dexter cattle and Dexter/Angus cross. Our sheep are Katahdin sheep. We grow and raise our animals with the biodynamic methods. We use no antibiotics, no hormones, no vaccines, and no artificial wormers. We fertilize with compost. We raise our animals on lush nutrient-dense, high BRIX grass.
We offer individual cuts, along with 1/4, 1/2, or whole. We ship. We enjoy working with restaurants. Our processing is done by a USDA certified butcher.
Allan Balliett
PO Box 3047, Shepherdstown WV 25443
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