Your Farmers
John and Toni Rowe
Grass is Greener Meats and Produce, LLC is located in northeast Marshall County, IN adjacent to St. Joseph, Elkhart and Kosciusko counties; within an hour from South Bend / Warsaw / Columbia City / Elkhart / Valparaiso / Peru.
We offer seasonal fresh vegetables and brown eggs, pastured Red Wattle pork, and grass-fed Jersey beef, Red Poll beef and St.Croix lamb. Our pastured poultry features Freedom Ranger chickens which have the rich flavor of a stewing hen and tenderness of a young chicken. In addition to chickens, we raise Bourbon Red turkeys, Cayuga ducks, and Pilgrim and American Buff geese.
Animals that receive supplemental grain (poultry, waterfowl and hogs) are fed only non-GMO rations; herbivores are intensive rotationally grazed during the growing season and fed high quality grass hay during the winter. Pork, beef and lamb are available year-round in our farm store priced by the cut. Meat CSA shares are available May thru December. Please call for store hours or more information.
John and Toni Rowe
2760 4C Road, PO Box 321, Bremen, IN 46506
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