Your Farmers
Paul Helbert
Helbert's offers the highest quality pasture-raised products available anywhere. Our chickens are available from May to October. Lamb and eggs are available year-round. Orders are picked up, fresh, at the farm on processing day or at the Harrisonburg Farmers Market the following morning. We do not freeze birds or ship out of state.
Our small flocks graze fresh pasture. Our lambs are not just "finished" on grass—they are fed hay only when snow cover prevents access to the ground.
Respect for all creation—air, animal, mineral, soil, vegetation, water, etc.—as well as a commitment to helping people reconnect with their food supply, guide our efforts. We put quality ahead of profit and look to nature as our guide to animal husbandry.
Paul Helbert
12558 N Valley Pike, Broadway VA 22815
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