Your Farmers
Jennifer Charlson
Hidden Hills Farms is a backyard farm with a great big mission located outside of Smithville, MO. We are committed to being a year-round source of safe, nutritiously dense foods raised in a sustainable manner that goes beyond organic. We strive to work with Mother Nature and study her methods of balancing and preventing disease and illness through nutrition and soil health. We feel the foods you eat can only be as healthy as the soils they are grown in.
All of our animals are truly free-ranged in a rotational grazing system. Our herd of 100% grass Jersey girls provides us with delicious, sweet milk and dairy products. This year our herd is starting annual testing for TB, Brucellosis and Johne’s.
We raise heritage breeds of chickens for meat and eggs and will have pigs and turkeys for meat in the fall. We raise heirloom produce and herbs and started a berry patch in spring of 2007. In the future will be offering grass fed beef and lamb. All of our products are free from corn or soy in any form.
Please call to check that we are around then come by and see us!
Jennifer Charlson
Edgertpn MO 64444
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