HotSun Elk Company raises elk and beef cattle in natural surroundings bordering Riding Mountain National Park on a grass and forage diet.
We raise our animals in a low-stress, natural environment and treat them humanely from birth to market. We protect our streams and other natural water sources from harmful animal impact. We manage the grazing pattern of our animals to enhance the growth of the pasture, the health of the land, and the nutritional value of our products. To do this, we take into account the specific soil conditions, vegetation, altitude, growing season, and temperature range of our climate. When high-quality pasture is not available, we feed the animals stored grasses, which can include hay, haylage, and grass silage.
We treat the animals once a year with anti-parasite medications, but use no other medications.
We do not treat our animals with hormones.
We do not treat our animals with routine, low-level antibiotics. Those animals that we must treat with antibiotics due to health problems or injury are removed from this program.
We usually process all our animals in the late spring and summer – that’s when the grass and other forages are growing most rapidly and so are the elk and cattle. New growth is always the most tender and delicious. By autumn, our elk begin their breeding season, start losing weight and meat quality deteriorates. If you thought elk taken in the hunting seasons was good, wait ‘til you taste it from the prime season! We supply naturally produced meat products, including:
Elk burger, top end steaks and prime rib roasts
Elk sausages – several types (let us know what you like)
Beef burger, top end steaks and prime rib roasts
PO Box 111, Onanole MB R0J 1N0
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