Your Farmers
Tony Kaufman
The Lake Village Homestead grew out of an environmentally oriented educational research program, originally motivated by B.F. Skinner's book, Walden Two. Presently this extended family co-op occupies a mile and a half of lake shoreline and approximately 300 acres. The 120 acres of lake- front is owned by a non-profit corporation dedicated since 1971 to living, teaching and modeling sustainable agriculture as well as preserving natural habitat.
Cattle, goats, chickens and hogs are free-ranging in various pastures. Goats receive some supplemental grain while lactating. Hogs and chickens have access to grain as well as pasture. Cattle graze in the warm weather and are fed hay in the winter. Animals are grown hormone- and antibiotic- free. All gardening and pasture management is done without chemical fertilizers and herbicides.
We offer grass-fed free-ranging beef, free-ranging pastured pork, eggs from free-ranging chickens, goat milk, cheese, honey, maple syrup, popcorn and vegetables in season. All products are available on the farm and may be obtained by purchasing food shares with discounts being offered to Associate Members.
Associate Membership: Individual $120/year; Family $200/year. Members are free to visit the farm as they wish, grow vegetables in the garden, walk miles of trails, lease horses for trail riding, as well as participate in farm gatherings.
For more information, visit our website, or call (269) 808-2529 to make an appointment for your first farm visit.
We also offer interactive farm workshops for all ages and group sizes. Environmental and land preservation consulting is also available. Donations made to support our various programs are tax deductible.
Tony Kaufman
7943 South 25th Street, Kalamazoo MI 49048
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