Your Farmers
John and Carmen Liggett
The Liggett Farm has been a family-run farm since 1872. Nestled in the rolling hills of Southwestern Pennsylvania at the divide between the Cross Creek and Buffalo creek watersheds, the farm is blessed with many natural springs. Many of these springs have been developed and are directed into watering troughs for the growing cattle herd. Fresh water and abundant grass on our 187-acre farm is our (not so) secret to raising healthy grassfed beef. We utilize a rotational grazing system to maximize the utilization of the pasture grasses during the growing season. We grow and harvest our own hay and haylage fed to the cattle.
Approximately half of the farm is pasture while the other half is used for growing the hay needed to feed our herd and a few acres of non-GMO corn which is all sold to a local elevator. The corn fields are necessary for our crop rotation, weed control and for utilization of the substantial amount of manure produced by our cows during cold winter and calving season—about 2 months out of the year—when they are housed in the barn. The yearlings that I keep for grassfed beef stay out on pasture and are fed haylage until it gets too cold then they are fed dry round bales of second cut through the winter. We grow our own oats straw bedding which keeps all our cattle warm and dry.
Beef is available by pre-order. Freezer beef is sold by the whole, half and split quarter. All our beef is processed locally using a dry-aging process. Please call for current prices and to get your name on the list for this year’s beef.
John and Carmen Liggett
243 Washington Pike, Avella PA 15312
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