Your Farmers
Montana Canterbury
Maytag Mountain Ranch cattle: organically raised, grass-finished beef. A truly exceptional taste experience marrying natural goodness with tender robust flavor.
Our cattle are born and raised in the beautiful Wet Mountain Valley in the shadow of Colorado's spectacular Sangre de Cristo Mountains. Maytag Mountain Ranch's 2953 acres are lush and green; its days warm and nights cool. Our management intensive rotation grazing system ensures they have plenty of fresh, protein rich grass to eat.
Our pastures are never artificially fertilized. Our cattle drink ice-cold spring water—so clean and pure it has been tested safe for people to drink. We NEVER use hormones and NEVER use antibiotics. Our cattle are not taken to the feedlot to be "finished." Instead they fatten on natural grass, the way nature intended.
Maytag Mountain Ranch Beef has higher levels of Omega 3 fatty acids, which lower the risk of heart disease, and which may reduce the risk of cancer. It is lower in total fat than beef from conventionally raised (corn finished) cattle, resulting in fewer calories. This makes our beef a wonderful, healthy food for people and, best of all, it tastes great! For more information visit our website.
Montana Canterbury
PO Box 6, Hillside CO 81232
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