Your Farmers
Traegen or Marilyn Knight
Milky Ranch is a family-oriented operation, combining old and new practices in the livestock business to create a responsible, profitable, environmentally friendly and sustainable business while trying to preserve the family farm and ranching way of life.
Our beef comes from our Angus/Hereford cross herd that grazes the 90 square miles of open range known as the Milky Ranch. These cattle are born and raised on our ranch, and spend the duration of their lives grazing in a stress-free and natural environment.
We believe that the seasonal abundances of native grasses and browse, including blue grama, black grama, sacaton, needle and thread, rice grass, gaeta, chamisa and white sage provide an ideal slow growing nutritional base to produce quality grassfed beef. No growth supplements, steroids,hormones or antibiotics are used. We are not certified organic, however are practices would qualify our product as such.
When ready to be harvested, our animals are locally processed at a facility that uses humane slaughtering procedures and is inspected by the Arizona Department of Agriculture. All beef is dry-aged for seven days, then packaged and hard-frozen. Our packaged beef is free of antibiotics and hormones, raised in the most natural way possible. We offer individual cuts as well as whole, half and quarters of beef. We deliver to the Show Low / Pinetop area.
Traegen or Marilyn Knight
PO Box 1980, St. Johns AZ 85936
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