Page River Bottom Farm offers pastured eggs, broilers, and grass-finished goats, pigs and Black Angus this year.
Check our website for dates of availability for meat. The eggs are now available. We are offering these through a CSA structure in the Fresno-Reedley area. Anyone is welcome to join and membership is free. You pay only for your product.
Our layers are Heritage Black Australorps and Barred Plymouth Rocks.
Our eggs are from excellent layers to give us a good supply over the winter. For further information on prices and drop-off spots and how to become a drop-off spot, see our website under the tab CSA.
We do not use any pesticides, hormones, or antibiotics. Our poultry feed is GMO-free. They are raised in a humane, creature-friendly way on year round irrigated pasture. This method is good for the animal, builds the soil, and is healthier for us (see “Why Grass Fed is Best” on the website).
Thanks for supporting your local farmer. For any questions, call 9am to 6pm California time.
17780 E Vino Avenue, Reedley CA 93654
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