Your Farmers
Scott and Kay Gove
Price Creek Farm is a small family farm just south of Lake City, Florida. Scott and Kay are dedicated to the highest quality meats and eggs that are raised humanely and free of any chemicals, antibiotics or hormones. All animals are raised on grass or in woodlots and are able to get plenty of sunshine and exercise. We use all natural practices and we only sell what we raise.
We offer home delivery and drop points within a 50-mile radius and attend the Haile Village Farmers’ Market (5212 SW 91st Terrace, Gainesville, FL) every Saturday, year round.
Beef – We have a small herd of cattle that are 100% grass-fed and grass-finished. This produces a healthier, leaner meat.
Pork – Pigs are raised in the woods where they can root around to eat acorns, plants, grubs and even partake in mud baths. They enjoying being a pig.
Broiler Chickens – Our broilers are raised and processed on farm and are raised in small batches of 40–50 and kept in a floor-less, moveable chicken tractor. They are moved to a fresh patch of pasture daily.
Eggs – Our layers have the entire 33 acres to roam, eat bugs, and stay happy.
We are licensed to sell our broilers and eggs under a Limited Poultry and Egg Farm Operation permit under Public Law # 90-492. Our pork and beef products may be labeled "not for human consumption" under a “master feed registration” issued by the Florida Dept. of Agriculture and Consumer Services.
Experience the satisfaction of knowing your food and your farmer!
Visit our website and feel free to contact us with more questions.
Scott and Kay Gove
10191 SE CR 245, Lake City, FL 32025
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