Your Farmers
Richard and Jill Smith
Pure Éire Dairy is located in Othello, Washington in the heart of the Columbia Basin. We are proud to be one of the few “grass-only” dairies in the United States. Our jersey cows are completely grass-fed to provide you with milk that’s tasty and nutritious, just as nature intended. We are:
100% Grass-Fed (a rarity as there are very few purely grass-fed dairies in the United States)
Our herd has been hand-selected to be free of A1 positive cows
Antibiotic and Hormone Free
Free of chemicals, fertilizers and pesticides
Transparent - giving you the ability to know where your milk comes from
Our milk is not combined with milk from any other dairy
All-jersey herd for better grazing and a rich, creamy milk
Minimally processed milk utilizing vat pasteurization and no homogenization
We currently have the following products available: Pasteurized Whole, 2%, and Skim Milk, Heavy Cream and Raw Milk at select locations.
We have long believed you should always know where your milk comes from. You should be able to see for yourself what the animals eat and how they are treated. Our goal is to be a transparent operation to our consumers, so that you can trust your milk source. We welcome you to come and visit! Go beyond organic, go grass-fed!
Richard and Jill Smith
1591 Birdwell Road, Othello WA 99344
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