Welcome to Resonance Center Farm where we produce:
Pasture Pork
Pastured Poultry (Eggs, Broilers)
Goat Milk Soap and Lotion
Experience the satisfaction of knowing your food and your farmer. We are your clean meat connection. “You are what you eat eats.” ~Michael Pollan, In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto.
THE LAND: We are in the business of harvesting solar energy and sequestering carbon with green plants. Our mission is to create healthy land, healthy animals, healthy people, and a healthy economy. Pure Northern Michigan cool air, healthy soils, clean water, and healthy grass contribute to our unique tender “sweet” flavor. Healthy soils produce more vibrant plants, creating delicious and nutritious meat! We don’t use chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides or any other “cides.”
THE ANIMALS: Our Chickens and Pigs have constant access to fresh, clean, diverse pasture, water, and plenty of sunshine. They spend their day eating grasses, roots and small plants as well as pecking, rooting, and scratching for grubs, worms and bugs. To satisfy their protein requirements, we supplement their diet with locally milled, non-GMO grains. This simple idea is what we call “pasture raised.” Nutritionally, the Chicken, Pork and Eggs offer higher Omega 3 fatty acids, CLAs, Beta Carotene and Vitamin E, and far more Vitamin D than their commercially raised counterparts, providing you with the purest foods from healthy animals on healthy land. Our animals live a natural and happy life – FREE of vaccinations, chemical de-wormers, and growth hormones. Not certified organic... but Beyond Organic. Your food should be this good!
THE FARM: Resonance Center Farm is family-owned, pasture-based, beyond organic, overlooking beautiful Mullet Lake in Pure Northern Michigan in Cheboygan County. Our philosophy is that happy animals doing what nature intended them to do (foraging, socializing, digging, scratching, catching bugs) provide healthier meat and eggs. We believe animals should live a natural life, be treated humanely and with respect.
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6773 North M-33, Cheboygan, MI 49721
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