Your Farmers
Bev and Chuck Henkel
The Tucker Hill Farm offers grass-finished lamb and beef and pastured eggs.
Our grass-finished lamb is available as a half or whole lamb in May/June. The lambs are fed fresh grass and hay only—No corn, commercial feed, hormones or antibiotics.
Our beef and lamb have been tested at Utah State's Skagg’s Nutrition Lab. The Omega 6 to Omega 3 ratio for the beef is 1:1. The ratio for the lamb is ½ :1. Being totally grass fed provides a nutritional edge.
We can ship the beef and lamb but prefer to connect consumers with producers who are close to them.
The eggs are produced year-round by our flock of Rhode Island reds. They receive a feed that we mix here at the farm—No commercial feed, hormones or antibiotics. Brown eggs can be picked up at the farm or delivered locally.
We are pasture-based and manage our animals with the intensive rotation system. We apply no chemicals to our land, just compost, which is applied yearly.
We direct market our products. Place your orders with us, and we arrange for custom processing just the way you want it! We are open for visits. Please call or write first.
Bev and Chuck Henkel
1614 N 61st, Norfolk NE 68701
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