Your Farmers
Becky Weed and David Tyler
Thirteen Mile Farm has been producing grassfed lamb for over 30 years, certified organic since 1999. We raise dual purpose animals, celebrating both the tender meat and diversity of fiber types that can grow on grass. In early 2018 we sold our wool mill of 14 years to one of the mill employees, allowing us to return our primary focus to the land and animals. Tender, mild, medium-framed animals MT_certified_organic_logothat thrive on grass, grown on our calcium-rich Intermountain Valley soils, remain our priority.
Our pasture rotation system primary includes a sheep grazing/hay harvest rotation, with a few acres of vegetable/cover-cropping rotation. Neighbors’ cattle-grazing is integrated into the system when conditions permit. We have sought this diversity for the benefit of the sheep, the people, the land, and the lamb. Consideration of wildlife diversity is a guide as well; we do not kill native carnivores, and the pastures often host as many wild ungulates (year-round whitetail deer and seasonally, elk) as domestic livestock.
Protection of multiple waterways on the ranch through fencing and/or other management strategies is paramount.
Becky Weed and David Tyler
13000 Springhill Road, Belgrade MT 59714.
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