Your Farmers
Pascale H Lindemann
At the V&O Ranch we raise meat goats in the foothills of the Trinity Mountains.
Our herd is 100% free-range, thus browsing exclusively on native shrubs, bushes and grasses. Completely stress free environment. No supplementation to their diet, nor use of hormones or antibiotics; Our herd is never subjected to feedlot confinement. Reproduction patterns are solely dictated by natural cohabitation of sires and does.
Our meat is processed at a USDA certified organic facility. We deliver locally. We can ship statewide, the cost of shipping being added to the purchase order.
We currently are stocked on the following meat products:
Ground goat (2-pound packages) per pound
Goat stew (2 pounds), per pound
Goat shanks (sold/per pund)
Goat shoulder, per pound
Goat ribs, per pound
Goat loin in bone, per pound
Goat leg roast, per pound
The best way to order is to email us. We welcome your questions and comments. We will promptly return your emails.
Pascale H Lindemann
PO Box 101, 5175 Old Bully Choop Road, Igo, CA 96047
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