Your Farmers
Chris Hamer
When Pigs Fly Farm is a small sustainable farm located south east of Mount Vernon, Washington. The gardens provide a wide variety of fresh produce as well as seasonal berries. The farm is shared with two Highland cows, forty laying hens, two gentleman horses, thousands of busy honey bees and Sam, our Shepherd. We have veggies, berries (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and blackberries) apples, flowers, eggs and hopefully this year our first batch of honey.
We use sustainable practices and our "girls" are on pasture except for at night. Then they are enclosed in a quarter-acre fenced yard with a coop so they have access to the outdoors all the time. Unlike some bee keepers, we do not feed our bees high fructose corn syrup. They are kept on their own honey over the winter which is why we had none our first year.
We look forward to welcoming you for a visit, perhaps a class, or an overnight stay at the farm. You are welcome to participate with chores, help pick your own produce, and learn more about sustainable practices.
Chris Hamer
19997 Hwy 9, Mount Vernon, WA 98274
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