Your Farmers
Tom and Dana Bryant
Bryant Family Farm is a family-owned and -operated business in Jackson County, Kansas. We serve the Leavenworth, Lawrence, Olathe, Topeka, Manhattan, and St. Mary's areas. We provide our customers a healthier alternative to commercially produced beef, pork, lamb, chicken, turkey, egg and dairy products and we enjoy teaching others about healthy eating.
Our beef is grass-fed without medication or growth hormones - everything our beef eats is recognizable: green pasture.
Enjoying a diet without any medicines, hormones, or other harmful chemicals, our plump, tender, pasture-raised broilers are a nutritional feast. Their grain is specially-formulated to produce the best chicken possible.
Our natural pork is pasture-raised and fed a special blend feed. We take extra care of our hogs to ensure nutritious, tender meat for your family.
Friendly turkeys love to see us arrive with the feed bucket. These hormone- and antibiotic-free turkeys enjoy fresh pasture every day in addition to their specialty feed, which includes nutritious vitamins and minerals.
Our herd of Katahdin sheep enjoy pasture, shepherded from predators by our Great Pyrenees dog. Delicious lamb meat for your family.
Our fresh, hand-milked cow and goat milk is very nutritious and helps keep the body healthy with natural antibodies, vitamins and minerals. Our diary cows and goats are fed a minimal amount of grain each day to ensure their good health.
Tom and Dana Bryant
Topeka KS. (785) 872.BEEF.
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