Your Farmers
Rob and Tamara Martin
Chandler Pond Farm grows seven acres of organic vegetables everything from B(eans) to Z(uchini).
We also have organic pick your own strawberries and blueberries. We manage three green houses of heat-loving crops so you can get your organic tomatoes and peppers and eggplants in early summer right here in the Northeast Kingdom of VT.
We have pastured pork, broilers, and turkeys. We have a small herd of organic grass fed Devons, for raw milk and beef, and eggs from our free ranging everywhere hens.
We have an old fashioned maple sugaring operation, with buckets, oxen, family, and friends.
We invite you to visit our beautiful 600 acres of fields, forests and pond.
We are a family farm operated by Rob and Tamara Martin using organic practices. The Martins are committed to small scale sustainable production of a wide diversity of vegetable, dairy and meat products.
Our farm stand is open from June-October. In the winter, frozen meats, root vegetables, maple syrup, eggs, and surprises are available. Visit our website to see what we are up to and when the next event is: maple sugaring, xcrountry skiing, open farm day, harvest festival and garlic planting, farm tours and cooking events. It also has information about joining our CSA and when and where to find us at the Lyndon and St. Johnsbury Farmers Markets.
Rob and Tamara Martin
528 Burroughs Road, South Wheelock VT 05852
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