Your Farmers
Jennifer Eby
Eby Farms is a small beyond-organic family farm in southwestern Michigan and we have seasonally available beef, chicken and turkey. Eggs, homemade soap and body products are available year-round. All our products are antibiotic and hormone-free and the farm is open to all to visit and verify production practices.
Grass raised and finished Beef. We offer spring and fall beef from our herd of Scottish Highland and Jersey cows. These intentional/rotational grazed animals offer superior taste and nutrition. They are fed pasture during the growing season and stored forages during winter plus free access to salt and kelp.
Pastured Poultry
Chicken & Turkey. Broilers and turkeys are grown in pasture shelters once old enough to be outside. They are moved daily to fresh pasture and are fed free-choice non-GMO feed. Broilers are available seasonally in three separate batches during the growing season by pre-order only. One batch of turkeys are available by pre-order for Thanksgiving.
Eggs. Laying hens are housed in a portable egg-mobile for the warm season and follow the cows around on their pasture rotation. Also fed free-choice non-GMO feed. Loose-housed over winter with deep litter bedding.
Farmers Markets: Skip's Farmers Market: Meat available here for pre-orders and eggs available on-site mid-May through mid-October, Sundays 9 am to 3 pm.
All of our products are available on our farm in Cassopolis, Michigan and some products available through local retail stores. Please contact us or check our website for a full list of locations.
Jennifer Eby
56641 Glenwood Road, Cassopolis MI 49031
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