Your Farmers
The Hopkins Family
Forks Farm supplies pasture-finished beef, pastured pork, grass-finished lamb, and pastured chickens and turkeys for over 100 families.
Our beef is from prime, young Angus/Hereford cattle that are allowed to grow naturally on protein-rich forage. The beef is available in wholes, halves, and quarters. Order enough to get you through the year.
Chickens are available in the summer months.
Turkeys are available in early November.
Lambs are processed in September and beef are available from mid October until early November.
Join us for our market season—lots of vendors, music, food, and fun! June-October, 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month, 10am–3pm.
The Hopkins Family
229 Covered Bridge Road, Orangeville PA 17859
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