Your Farmers
Steve and Marie Deibele
Golden Bear Farm raises 100% grass-fed beef, and Berkshire pork, intensively grazed on organic pastures certified by Global Organic Alliance.
In addition to grasses and legumes, our pigs are fed apples, vegetables, barley, and oat & pea balage. We never dock tails or ring noses. All of our animals have plenty of fresh, deep-well water, fresh air, sunshine and room to move around. In the spring, summer and fall they live outdoors with access to natural shelter within the trees and bushes. During the winter our cattle are heavily bedded behind a wind block and the pigs have access to the barn and barnyard.
We never feed or treat our animals with any artificial substances including GMO’s, antibiotics or hormones. We never use herbicides, fungicides or pesticides on our farm.
We practice sustainable farming to promote a healthy environment for all living creatures. Visit our website (which includes a short video) to see why we and our animals love living here.
We sell ¼’s, ½’s and whole steers; ½’s and whole pigs cut to order; and selected cuts of meat from our home. Please call for availability and pricing. Our products are also available at the Sheboygan Winter Farmer’s Market, 310 Bluff Avenue, Sheboygan, WI, most Saturdays, 9am – 1pm, November through April.
Steve and Marie Deibele
19714 Reichardt Road, Kiel WI 53042
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