Your Farmers
Jeff McSpadden, Jr.
JR Cattle Company produces purebred registered Texas Longhorn without hormones or antibiotics on a family ranch with native pastures. The cattle are all raised on the ranch in a humane, non-crowded manner.
Texas Longhorns produce an extra lean meat since the cattle do not put on fat in the muscle as do the English breeds. Extra lean ground beef is available in one pound packages at $5.00 per package. Butcher calves are available for delivery to your packer at $2.50 per pound hanging weight.
The goal of the management of the ranch is to provide an environment that will produce and maintain the maximum diversity of native plants and animals on the ranch while providing income and enjoyment for the owners and family. We have a strong belief that customers needs to know their food suppliers and the producers methods and practices so we encourage visits by potential customers.
Jeff McSpadden, Jr.
PO Box 1551, Marble Falls TX 78654
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