Your Farmers
Jeter and Nina Isely
Y Knot Farm and Ranch raises grass fed, grass finished beef along with growing organic produce and organic wheat and forage. Our beef is raised on organic pastures and most of their feed is grown organically on our ranch, but they are not organic.
The Belted Galloway, also known as Belties, is a rare heritage breed. This beef is known for a couple very different attributes vis-a-vis conventional beef. They genetically have no back fat, as an extra very fine coat gives them the warmth they need. This means the meat is extra lean (about 40% fewer calories than standard beef). They have close to 90% less trans fats, cholesterol, and fat calories than regular beef. On the other hand they are high in protein, omega 3 and 6, and calcium. They are also very tender and the meat does not have a "gamy" taste.
The reason they are so rare is that they grow slowly (steers take twice as long to raise as the standard commercial breeds). That and their smaller frame means they do not work in a commercial setting. We do not use any hormonal implants or antibiotics raising our beef, but rather let them grow as nature intended.
The Financial Times of London declared the Belted Galloway beef the best beef available in the UK. However, the limited number in the United States means we cannot find any restaurants that sell their meat. With 50 cows, our Y Knot Farm and Ranch, we were the second largest registrant of Belties in the US in 2017.
Jeter and Nina Isely
2255 Road T, Bird City, KS 67731
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